"Okay, it's my job to talk about the different things that appear on each card because my cohorts are much too dumb to handle it themselves. So here we go!" |
All the cards in your Main Deck have the following layout:
Scare Number: Every Character, Creation, and Surprise has a Scare Number in the upper left corner. This number tells you how much the card costs (in Pumpkin Points), and also how many Scare Points the card is worth at the end of the game if it's in your Halloweentown. Character Scare Numbers are also used to activate Locales (more on this later).
Card Title: Every card in the game has its own Card Title. This is important because you can't have more than 1 copy of the same Card Title in your Halloweentown at any given time. You're also not allowed to play the same exact Surprise more than once during a Round either.
Alias: Every Character has an Alias. This helps distinguish different versions of the same Character. For example, there are three different versions of Oogie Boogie in the game. Each version has a different Alias, as well as a different special ability and card image, but since all 3 Oogies have the same Card Title, you can't have more than one in your Halloweentown at the same time. Creations and Surprises don't have an Alias; they list their Card Type ("Creation" or "Surprise") in this space instead.
Card Text: Every card in the game has unique Card Text. This text usually allows you to perform special abilities or play cards cheaper if you have set up certain conditions in your Halloweentown, so it's important to read all the Card Text on your cards carefully before you play them.
NEXT: Card Types
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