"There are four different types of cards in the game. I just learned how to count to four, so Jack said I could explain this part!" |
LOCALES: Each player has her own Locale Deck, which consists of one Starting Locale and 5 other Locales. These Locales are drawn randomly once per Round to slowly fill up each player's Halloweentown. Each Locale has the following parts:
Scare Threshold: In order to use the Function on a Locale, the Locale must be Active. A Locale is considered Active if the combined Scare Numbers of the Characters placed below that Locale are equal to or greater than the Locale's Scare Threshold. In the example above, in order to use the Town Hall's Function, you would need to have Characters there whose combined Scare Numbers equal 3 or higher.
Each player starts with his Starting Locale already in play. Starting Locales have a Scare Threshold of "0", which means they're always Active and you can always use them if you want to.
Card Title: This is the name of the Locale. The six cards in your Locale Deck are kept separate from your Main Deck. Each Locale in your Locale Deck must be different (no duplicates!)
Function: The Functions of your Locales allow you to do important things like drawing new cards into your hand, adding Pumpkin Points to pay for Card Costs, and moving Characters from one Locale to the next.
CHARACTERS: Each player's Main Deck contains a mix of Characters, Creations, and Surprises. Characters are the most important card type because they are needed to activate Locales and also allow players to gain important advantages when playing certain Surprises and Creations. |
CREATIONS: Unlike Characters, Creations are played off to the side, away from a player's Locales. Creations can be expensive to build, but their Cost is often reduced by having certain Characters in your Halloweentown. Creations are easier to protect than Characters, and they are worth a lot of Scare Points at the end of the game. |
SURPRISES: Surprises are played during your own turn to make special things happen during the game. Most Surprises are discarded right after they're played, but some stay on the table and have lasting effects on the game. Surprises are your main way of searching for cards in your deck and doing other fun stuff like directly attacking your opponent, but most of them aren't worth any Scare Points. Since we like it when people play Surprises and shake up the game a little, we reward them by giving them bonus cards at the end of the Round equal to the number of Surprises they played (see below). |
- Reimbursing Surprises: All the Surprises that you play during the same Round get stacked up in a special Surprise Discard Pile like the one shown at right. This way you know which Surprises you have played that Round, which is important because you can't play the same Surprise more than once in the same Round. At the end of each Round, you put all the Surprises that were in your Surprise Discard Pile on top of your regular Discard Pile, and then you draw 1 card from the top of your Main Deck for every Surprise that was in your Surprise Discard Pile. Neat, huh?
- Searches: Many cards in the game allow you to Search your deck for a particular card. For example, the Card Text shown at right ("Search 6 => Jack") allows you to flip the top 6 cards of your Main Deck face up, put all copies of Jack Skellington into your hand, and then discard the rest. If Jack is already in your Halloweentown, you could instead use this card to Search the top 6 cards in your Main Deck for 1 Creation of your choice!
NEXT: Round Order
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