Turn Order Phase
During the Turn Order Phase, each player in Turn Order announces his current Global Influence (the sum of all his Controlled Regions' Development Levels, +1 for each Weapons of Mass Destruction Advancement). If any player exceeds those ahead of him in the Turn Order, he places his control marker ahead of those players' control markers on the Turn Order Chart. At the start of the Turn Order Phase, the Turn Order Chart looks like this:
The Imperialist player announces that his Global Influence is still a 3. The Capitalist player then announces that his Global Influence has increased to a 4 (since his only Controlled Region, the United States, now possesses a Development Level of 4). The Capitalist player therefore slides his control marker ahead of the Imperialist player's control marker on the Turn Order Chart. The Imperialist player's control marker slides behind the Capitalist player's control marker.
The Fascist player announces that his Global Influence is also still a 3. The Communist player's Global Influence, however, has risen to a 4 since he now controls 2 regions: Russia (Level 3) and Central Asia (Level 1). His control marker now moves ahead of both the Imperialist and Fascist players' control markers on the Turn Order Chart. However, the Communist player's control marker remains behind the Capitalist player's control marker (who also has a Development Level of 4). Because the Capitalist player was ahead of the Communist player on the Turn Order Chart this turn, the Communist player's control marker will remain behind the Capitalist player's control marker until the Communist player's Global Influence exceeds that of the Capitalist player. Should this occur, then the Communist player will remain ahead of the Capitalist player until the Capitalist player pulls ahead (their positions at the start of the game are no longer of any importance once they have changed positions).
The Imperialist and Fascist player's markers move behind the Communist player's marker. Keep in mind that they otherwise retain their former order (that is, the Fascist player's control marker remains behind the Imperialist player's control marker). Finally, the Islamic Fundamentalist player announces that his Global Influence is also still a 3, so his control marker remains unchanged for the time being.
At the end of the Turn Order Phase, if no player possesses a Global Influence of 12 or higher, the next turn begins. Here is what the game looks like at the end of the first turn:
Note that the players do not actually stagger the cards in their discard piles. This is done just for the purposes of this Sample Turn, so that you can track where the players' cards ended up during the first turn. In fact, normally the discard piles are kept in a neat stack, and the players are not permitted to look through them in order to help determine what cards remain in their Influence decks.