Development Phase
During the Development Phase, each player in Turn Order may play Influence cards from his hand beside his Controlled Regions in order to increase his regions' Development Levels later in the turn. Players may also choose to purchase Advancements during this phase.
The Imperialist player decides to pass during this phase in the hope of using his cards to influence Independent Regions during the Foreign Phase.
The Capitalist player decides to play all 3 of his cards beside his Controlled Region, the United States. He stacks each card beside its appropriate section on the region card, on top of the other cards placed there at the start of the game.
Note that although the United States now possesses four of each Influence type, it is still considered a Level 3 Region at this time. A Region's Development Level does not actually change until the Assessment Phase.
The Capitalist player is now out of cards, so he may no longer act during this phase. During the Fascist player's action, he discards 2 Economic Influence cards from his hand in order to purchase the Industry Advancement.
The Fascist player now possesses two Level 1 Advancements: Tactics (which he started the game with) and Industry (which he just purchased). He decides to discard both of these Advancements in order to purchase Technological Supremacy, a Level 2 Advancement. Both of his Level 1 Advancements are returned face up to their appropriate piles.
The Fascist player now has a Military Influence card remaining in his hand, and he decides to play it beside his Controlled Region, Germany. Even though increasing only one area of influence will not allow Germany to advance to a Level 4 Region later in the turn, this action is worth performing if the Fascist player does not believe he will have the opportunity to play the Military Influence card later this turn.
The remaining players decide to pass during this phase, hoping to use their cards during the remaining phases.